Marketing Campaign Strategy Services Daylesford & Western Victoria
Noelene has many year’s experience developing your advocacy campaigns and strategy. Call us for help to build influential & successful campaigns. Social Media Workshops
Social Media, Influence & Advocacy
Effective use of your digital and social accounts will result in you and/or your organisation being seen as credible, wise and influential. To become influential you will:
- Have a strategy
- Always be authentic
- Post often
- Know your audience’s questions and supply the answers
- Using humour, facts, statistics and wisdom in your posts
- Provide a good argument where necessary without offending
- Be clear on where you are, where you are going and why.
Contact us to help you with:
- Your personal brand strategy
- Creating Brand Advocate
- Campaigns to influence community, governments, policymakers, you know – the world
Personal Brand Strategy
We have never been so exposed as we are today. This can be a good for your brand or disastrous depending on what the internet says about you.
We help you focus on how to create an authentic digital profile that makes people want to work with you.
We will undertake an online audit and review and then create a tailored strategy and plan.
We can also provide a Personal Brand workshop for your organisation
Business Packages
Talk to us about putting together a social media package for your organisation.
Each package provides a tailored social media strategy and plan. Complement this with some of the workshops available and get significant discounts.